Balloon flights are gaining more and more acceptance as a business incentive or as a team building activity due to its attractiveness as it usually exceeds the passengers expectations. We have extensive experience in organizing balloon flights for company groups and the level of satisfaction of our clients is very high due to our professionalism.
Siempre volamos al amanecer porque es cuando las condiciones meteorológicas son más adecuadas. Si estuvieran interesados podríamos organizar un catering-desayuno en el lugar de despegue antes del vuelo. Al finalizar la actividad podríamos ofrecerles almorzar enalgún sitio bonito y cercano a la zona de vuelo.
We always fly at dawn since the weather conditions are most suitable. If you are interested, we can organize a catering-breakfast at the take-off site before the flight. At the end of the activity we could offer you lunch somewhere nice and close to the flight area.
We recommend flying in Segovia since it is the best place in the central area of the country, as it is where the views are most spectacular.
Program: hot air balloon flights for companies
Our main pilot is Javier Tarno, 6 times Spanish balloon champion. Globos Boreal is the first balloon company authorised in Spain for commercial flights with passengers.
- Take-off site: Oposite Segovias General Hospital, next to the motocross field
- Meeting time: after sunrise
- Flight time: 1 hora
- Total duration: 3 to 4 horas (inflation, flight, landing, celebration and return to take-off site)
- Altitude: up to 1.000 metres
- Celebration: with sparkling cava to celebrathe this unforgettable experience
- Breakfast and flight certificate.
- Crew: our vehicle will be following the balloon comunicated with radio and will return the passengers to the launching location
- Clothing: confortable and suitable to the season in which you fly. We recommend a cap and sports shoes.
- Season: every day, all year long
- Gift: HD photo and video
In ballooning we know the take-off site but we do not know where we will land since the direction is set by the wind. We normally fly over Segovia and will land in the countryside, not far from the city.
40 years of experience in balloon flights